1. Sociopaths are very charming.
As vrea eu :)))
2. Sociopaths can be extremely manipulative and will try to con you whenever possible.
De parca trebuie sa tin in viata cont de altceva decat de "always the fucking money".
3. Sociopaths feel that they are entitled to everything.
Mda, asta cam da, este pe lista.
4. Sociopaths will lie continuously to get what they want. They can even sometimes manipulate a lie detector.
Neah, mult prea obositor, mi-e lene.
5. Sociopaths have no remorse, shame or guilt.
Daca nu fac nimic gresit, de ce as avea cele de mai sus?
6. Sociopaths will show love and happiness only when it serves their purpose. None of the feelings are genuine.
Bilbo are alta parere, dar ce stie el, e doar un motan.
7. Sociopaths have no room for love in their life.
Mai curand invers, dragostea nu are loc in mine de prea multa ce e.
8. Sociopaths need to have excitement in their lives or live on the edge.
Pe dracu' ghem, e asa de obositor, nici macar la un concert nu m-as duce.
9. Sociopaths have lack of empathy when their victims suffer pain that they have caused.
Si pe asta o bifam, daca lor nu le-a pasat de mine, mie de ce naiba mi-ar pasa de ei?!
10. Sociopaths believe that they are all mightier than tho, there is no concern on how their behavior impacts others.
De fapt, deciziile mele sunt cele corecte pentru ca stiu mai multe si mai bine, am tendinta sa am des dreptate.
11. Sociopaths usually have a long history of juvenile delinquency as well as behavior problems.
Da, evident, de asta am avut 10 pe linie la purtare in scoala si liceu, de delicvent juvenil ce eram.
12. Sociopaths will never take blame for anything they have done to anyone no matter if it is family or friend.
Ce bine era daca stiam asta inainte sa iau vina asupra mea pentru greselile din informari catre clienti...
13. Sociopaths have many sexual partners and tend to act out many sexual acts.
Ma duc sa iau un kil de nuci din bucatarie, ca pereti am deja, ca sa exprim gradul de potrivire :)))
14. Sociopaths rarely stay in one place for a long time (home/work).
De-abia la al 3-lea job si al 2-lea apartament, ar cam trebui sa ma grabesc, nu?
15. Sociopaths will change themselves if they know it will keep them from being found out.
Schimbarea e buna, everything can be upgraded.
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