Poate primul la probleme, sau cum sa transformi un produs bun intr-un esec. S-au facut ca il lanseaza in Decembrie, dar nici urma de stoc pe nicaieri nici macar in Ianuarie. Nu, 2 bucati la un magazin online obscur nu se pune ca stoc.
Pe urma au inceput cu plimbarile, ca va fi stoc pe la jumatatea lui Ianuarie, care e devenit spre sfarsitul lui Ianuarie si in e-mail-ul de azi Februarie-Martie, cu poate cateva bucati mai devreme. Asta dovedeste un grad mare de neseriozitate si incompetenta, pentru ca nu pot asigura cantitatile necesare si nici sa respecte termenele anuntate.
Cei care au reusit sa faca rost de aceasta fata morgana a tabletelor isi cam blestema zilele cu ele din cauza problemelor nerezolvate nici cu update-urile scoase grabit de Asus.
Si sa nu uitam ca au fost dati un pic in judecata pentru numele copiat cu o nesimtire crasa, nu era de ajuns sa ii spuna Transformer, au trebuit sa aiba si Prime.
Ce zice Clove.co.uk:
Dear Alex, You registered to be notified about the ASUS Transformer Prime. As you are no doubt aware there have been delays in receipt of this stock and we were expecting a shipment to arrive at the end of the month. This shipment has subsequently been delayed in arriving to us due to delays in production. Whilst we do not have a specific revised delivery date, stock is now not expected until late February, early March. We know that this is not the information that you wish to hear, nor is it the information we wish to deliver, but it is the reality of the situation. It is possible that some stock will arrive into the UK between now and late February, but in very small numbers and with a large number of retailers requiring the stock it will not ease the situation for any retailer. We are aware that those who have obtained this tablet already are complaining of faults on the Prime and the fixes rolled out not actually fixing the problem in all instances. We wish to advise that whatever happens we will be working to ensure we supply only fully working units. We will update you when we have more information, but this is the situation at this time. We kindly ask that you refrain from emailing us in February for an update. We will contact you. The Clove Technology Sales Team.